Data Intelligence Services
We show you how to use important and critical data to keep your business competitive in a fast changing data-driven world.
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Data Management

Despite the widespread belief in the past that data specialists belong in the basement of the IT department, today smart data management is a strategic factor that determines your company’s competitive advantage in the market and is gradually becoming a part of the executive suite.

We are pros at:

Data Base Management

Big Data Management 

Data Warehouse

Data Lakes and Data Fabrics

ETL and Data Integration

Cloud Data Management

Data Migration

Data Visualization

Our technology tools:

Why is it worthwhile to rely on a nearshore partner in data management?

Trusted us:

Depending on your company's sourcing strategy, we are offering two models of nearshore collaboration in data management:

Project Delivery Service

Project Delivery Service

End-to-end project delivery, implementation, performance and management on Polary's side.

Data Team as a Service (TaaS)

Data Team as a Service (TaaS)

A well-coordinated and experienced team with the required skill set, managed by the customer.

Lassen Sie uns austauschen, wie wir gemeinsam die Nearshore- Services für eine sichere digitale Zukunft Ihres Unternehmens einsetzen können.

Ich bin Nearshore Evangelistin und Enthusiastin von neuen Technologien und digitaler Transformation. Seit vielen Jahren setze ich mich für eine erfolgreiche deutsch-polnische Kooperation ein und baue Brücken zwischen deutschen und polnischen Unternehmen im Bereich IT. Gerne erzähle ich Ihnen mehr über über mögliche Nearshore-Konstellationen und tausche mit Ihnen meine bisherige Erfahrungen mit Unternehmen aus der DACH-Region aus. Vielleicht ist eine passende Lösung auch für Ihre aktuelle Herausforderung dabei?
Agi Skrzymowska

Growth Manager bei Polarys

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is a digital nervous system of your company. Information from all areas is made available centrally or democratically in the organization, depending on the data maturity level, in order to enable making smart data-based business decisions.

We are pros at:

Data Integration

BI-Frontend Implementation

Data Warehouse

Data Visualization

We are vendor and software independent and are thus based only on our own quality standards.

For your data projects, we draw on many years of experience in implementing various BI tools in different industries.

We support you with:

We combine modern BI principles with the state-of-the-art BI tools and an agile approach.

Agile product development: Build-Test-Measure-Learn.

Why should you rely on a nearshore partner for your BI projects?

Depending on your company's sourcing strategy, we are offering two models of nearshore collaboration in data management:

Project Delivery Service

Project Delivery Service

End-to-end project delivery, implementation, performance and management on Polary's side.

Data Team as a Service (TaaS)

Data Team as a Service (TaaS)

A well-coordinated and experienced team with the required skill set, managed by the customer.

Let’s talk about how we can make your company data driven, together!

„Nowadays, no company can simply afford to ignore data. The way we handle data today will determine who becomes a pioneer and who is forever left behind.”
Łukasz Jamroży

Managing Director at Polarys Polska 


Marcin Zych

Snowflake: Introduction

Snowflake is a cloud-based data platform designed for data warehousing and analytics. It separates storage and compute, allowing independent scaling for optimal performance and cost

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Anna Pieńkos

Transactions in Databases

Transactions are one of the key mechanisms used in databases. They allow you to perform a series of operations, treating them as a single entity.

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